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Goldring Travel Blog – Making Waves

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Costa Concordia Runs Agrounds – Passengers Dead and Missing – Updated

The Costa Concordia ran aground late last night tearing a large gash into her port side and is not resting at an approximate 90 degree angle.  She was, apparently, 2.5 nautical miles off course.

Photo courtesy of CNN.

There are conflicing reports of the number of dead and missing of the 3,200 passengers and 1,000 crew members. As an updated figure, it appears there are three confirmed dead (2 French citizens and a Peruvian crew member) 6 have died – one reportedly being a heart attack –  and up to 51 are missing (and may have found there way to small churches, homes or other places on the island of Giglio.

Reports are that the captain, Francesco Schettino, is now under arrest and may have abandoned ship before the passengers.  It is also of concern that apparently a Mayday distress call was not made until long after the evacution had begun.

It is understood that the emergency evacuation was quite disorganized with English announcments being unintelligable, filled lifeboats dangling for up to 45 minutes, etc.  All of this must, however, e confirmed.

This is the second fatal accident with Costa Cruises in two years.  The first one was in 2010 in Egypt.

I will keep you posted.

Fortunately, due to calm seas, shallow water and land nearby this tragedy could have been far, far worse.

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