It appears that rough seas are continuing for Ritz Carlton’s Evrima, albeit at least now she is finally sailing.

It is painfully obvious that Ritz Carlton is aware of the situation as the expected celebratory photos and press releases haven’t been forthcoming.
The Points Guy has published an article, that while trying to be kind, points out a number of significant issues identified by some onboard guests. There are also a few comments on the Ritz Carlton’s Yacht Facebook page as well.
According to reports, construction – painfully – still continues; apparently with work until 2:00 AM the night before the inaugural cruise. That, to be sure, isn’t that unusual in and of itself, but read on!
A number of the top suites have not yet been completed – causing at least one guest to be involuntarily downgraded from a top-category View Suite to a standard balcony suite. (Options to rebook, take a refund, have the price adjusted, etc. were given).
Some of the pools are not operating, the in-suite telephone system isn’t working, the in-suite climate control system is malfunctioning, some public bathroom locks are trapping guests inside, the wine list hasn’t been completed and the Destinations department doesn’t have a handle on the various ports.
Add to that the staff not being able to deliver a Ritz Carlton level of service, not only because they are confronted with the aforementioned problems, but not being given the chance to have a few training sailings, and it is quite troublesome. One suite “concierge” was apparently absent for the first few days of the cruise.
In addition, while the overall comments about the cuisine are good, one guest reported that she and her boyfriend dined at the S.E.A. specialty restaurant at a whopping cost of $695 and complained of “very small portions”; leaving them still hungry.
While there are compliments about the ship and the staff – and I am certain they are well-earned – after three years of delays and multiple shipyards, construction managers, etc., I have to wonder how deep the problems actually run and if the correction of this plethora of disappointments can be remedied in the near future. (And remember, Ritz Carlton has abandoned this type of ship as its future plans are for an entirely different, and larger, pair of ships.)
I know that some of my clients were disappointed by my recommendation that they let Ritz Carlton sail its ship for at least a year before even considering booking a cruise. Sometimes distasteful advice is more valuable than merely saying, “yes”. At this point, I do not know what the future holds for Evrima, but with so many options out there and more coming, you really need to ask yourself if your love of the Ritz Carlton hotels and brand name is worth also being applied to this ship.
I will continue to follow the ship, keep my fingers crossed that things get better, and – as always – work to give you the best advice.