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Goldring Travel Blog – Making Waves

Cruise & Travel News, Reviews, Opinions, Deals & More

Some Details on the Seabourn Odyssey Pre-Inaugural

I thought I would tease you all a bit with some information about what is scheduled for the Pre-Inaugural festivities.  (Please remember that with some of the last minute glitches things are running a bit behind schedule.  As Seabourn is well and truly focused on making sure things are fantastic for the Maiden Voyage this is all subject to modification.)

I will board around 11:00 a.m. on Monday and, after having a good snoop around, will take a formal tour of the ship. 

We will then set sail around 5:00 p.m.

Dinner is scheduled early (at 6:15 pm) because there will be a Venetian Sunset Party immediately afterwards out on deck.

On Tuesday, after some morning meetings and presentations (oh, the thought of work!?  Will champagne be served????), there will be, weather permitting, a mid-day anchorage and deployment of the marina for watersports activities.

Also during the afternoon, chef Charlie Palmer will conduct a cooking demonstration.

That evening, Seabourn will have a Venetian Gala including a gala show and a full evening of entertainment.   (Word has it I will be sitting at a very interesting table for dinner.  I will let you know.)

On Wednesday morning we become those people who hear, “We love you, but please get off our ship” (just not in those words).  We have been asked to disembark early so that things can be set up for the arrival of the Maiden Voyage guests.

And just so you know I am neither jaded or full of myself, I just need to say, “HOW COOL IS THIS?!”

Waves We’ve Made

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