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Goldring Travel Blog – Making Waves

Cruise & Travel News, Reviews, Opinions, Deals & More

Want Up To The Minute Info? Goldring Travel’s Facebook Page

As social media develops, so does Goldring Travel!

It was only a few years ago that this blog was pretty much the place for up to the minute information about most cruise items.  However, Facebook has really developed and my blog articles have become more in-depth.  And, to be honest, I hate to bury some of the articles – like the last two – with snippets of information.

As a result I am going to start using Facebook to post those smaller articles (and more of them!).  Every blog article already posts onto the Goldring Travel Facebook page and I will post any threads from The Gold Standard Forum that I think might appeal to a wide audience.

So if you want more of a one-stop place to get information “like” Goldring Travel today by going to the Goldring Travel Facebook page and clicking on the Like button.

Waves We’ve Made

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