Whether Seabourn just finished reading my blog, I have incredible intuition, or it is happenstance, it really doesn’t matter, but I was just contacted by Seabourn with an exclusive offer than fits in perfectly with my last post….and must be acted upon immediately if you are interested:
Seabourn Spirit – November 8, 2008
(*You will be booked as an A Guaranty Suite, but this offer is NOT limited to Category A oceanview suites, so you may be surprised by what suite you ultimately may be assigned by the time of sailing! And you thought all * were signs of bad news!!!)
Here is the itinerary:
Nov 8 S Istanbul, Turkey
9 SU Cruising The Dardandelles
10 M Piraeus (Athens), Greece
11 T Navplion (Mycenae), Greece
12 W Aghios Nikolaos, Crete, Greece
13 TH Rhodes, Greek Isles
14 F Cruising The Mediterranean Sea
15 S Alexandria (Cairo), Egypt
If you are interested DO NOT DELAY. Please call or email me immediately. (Some of you were disappointed when you delayed in responding to my last exclusive offer. Please don’t let that happen again!)