The response to my blog from so many people has been just fantastic. I, as well as so many readers and posters, are very appreciative.
I know the Comment section of the blog is a bit cumbersome, so I am working on something new. As many of you know I just re-launched the Goldring Travel website. I am now working on adding the optional Message Board to the site!
With it we we can have some real discussions that are easy to access rather than being buried in a particular blog posts where they are hard to find and hard to read. (I will keep the blog going as many of the things I post might be of interest, but not a great topic for discussion.)
It is a new Message Board module that hasn’t been used yet as far as I know. I understand it will not be as robust as say Cruise Critic, but then again I don’t think it needs to be. While I do not yet know its options or limitations, I am hoping it can:
– Allow for Anonymous posting.
– Allow me to edit postings that have valuable information, but really cross the line vis-a-vis personal attacks; and,
– Allows for Cruise Reviews to be posted without the option for responses (those being left to the Discussion area).
What I would like from you, if you don’t mind, is either here or via email if this is of interest to you and, if so, what you would like to see it include and exclude.
Remember, I see this to be more about luxury travel and discussion, but I am open to pretty much anything within reason.
Also any suggested names would be appreciated. If I chose the name you suggest, I will have some sort of Thank You gift. I don’t know what it will be, but it will be more than just “Thank You”!