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Goldring Travel Blog – Making Waves

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Seabourn Sojourn 2011 World Cruise Now Open

Seabourn Sojourn’s 111 day Maiden World Cruise is now available for booking. 

(If you want to “whet your whistle” read how fantastic the present World Cruise on the Seabourn Odyssey is going, stop by The Gold Standard Luxury Travel Forum’s thread which is following the comments of the very happy world cruisers:  Seabourn Odyssey World Cruise.

Departing from Los Angeles, California on January 5, 2011 its first stop will be the Marquesas and French Polynesia followed by New Zealand and Australia…but this time Seabourn will be taking a southern and western route, after ending its first segment in Sydney. 

The Seabourn Sojourn’s second segment calls on Melbourne and then will be visiting Adelaide and Fremantle before heading north to Indonesia, Malaysia and Hong Kong.

The third segment consists of Viet Nam, Cambodia, Thailand ending in Singapore.

From Singapore, the Seabourn Sojourn’s fourth cruises to different ports in Malaysia and Thailand before heading to India and then Dubai.

From Dubai there the Seabourn Sojourn cruises to Oman, Egypt, Jordan and Israel followed by port calls in Crete, Greece and Sorrento, Italy before arriving in Rome.

The final leg is a very familiar cruise from Rome to Southampton, England with calls in Spain, Portugal and 2 2/1 days in Bordeaux, France, ending on April 27, 2011.

For Full World Cruise guests each suite receives First Class Air, 300 pounds of luggage valet, all private car transfers (from home to airport to yacht and back), $2,000 onboard credit, 5 exclusive Full World Cruise events and 6 World Cruise events  – all included in the cruise fare.

Obviously as your cruise length shortens, the benefits do as well, but even those on a single segment are treated in Seabourn Style, with included each suite receiving economy air, 125 pounds of luggage valet, airport to/from yacht transfers, a $300 onboard credit and a World Cruise event included in their fare.

With Full World Cruise prices starting at US$60,696.38 and segments starting at US$7,952.24 (including all taxes, fees and airfare) the value and luxury is simply incomparable. 

Call me at (877) 2GO-LUXURY (or +1 732 383 7398) or email me at eric@goldringtravel.com for more information or to book your World Cruise.

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